Kamis, 30 Oktober 2008

How to determine The File Size of Your Web Site?

If I am not a mistake actually There’s a standardization how to measure the file sizes. All files that contain image, content, web pages etc are measured in bytes or kilobytes.

Usually we find a words “ bytes “on floppy disk, hard disk, bandwidth, data transfer, file size etc and As I posted before Disk space is the amount of bytes space to keep your file at your site. While Data transfer or usually we call this bandwidth is the amount of bytes transferred from your site to visitors when they browse and visit your site.
Most floppy disks hold around 1.4 megabytes of information.
You will find also various sizes of information on USD flash disk, hard disk, etc where most of these stuff measured start with big bytes usually we call Giga bytes.Sure most of all related with computer and internet stuff including your website.

And the question is what byte is?
I will explain for those who did not know about byte.

First you need to understand how file size is measured.
The smallest unit on a computer is a bit.
One bit is one electronic on or off pulse.

And then if 8 bits strung together make one byte.
One byte of information can put a letter such as D on your monitor.
If you put 1024 bytes together and then you have one unit of information called a kilobyte.
If you Put 1024 kilobytes together and you have a megabyte. (Most floppy disks hold around 1.4 megabytes of information).
If you Put 1024 megabyte together and you have a Gigabyte. (Most hard disks hold various size gigabytes of information).
And so on

Back to the question how to determine The File Size of Your Web Site?
It is a simple to determine your total site file size just right click on the root folder where your web site is hosted you will find an file size information this will not only give you the total site size but also how many files and folders are contained in your site.
And now I think you want to know The File Size of Your Web Site.Just check it out.

Sabtu, 25 Oktober 2008

How to check your web host technical support

Most web hosting provider comes with Technical support and usually it is one of service package that web hosting company offer. And you see their advertise technical support function 24 hours a day, 7 days a week), all year around

You will be surprised at how often things go wrong at the most inconvenient of times such as your site shutdown suddenly.
Especially you have a good traffic or you run biz website.If your site shutdown means you loose a potential buyer or other think loose google adsense ads being displayed briefly you loose your money during inconvenient of times.

That’s why you want to know what the reason and want the problem fix and addressed immediately.

What kind of customer service and technical support do you want?

I want to know does its technical support function 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 360 days all year around.I will not accept a host which does not have staff working on weekends or public holidays. Because a host advertises that it has 24/7 support does not necessarily mean that it really has that kind of support.

You can Test the water by calling at midnight or Test them out by emailing at midnight and on Saturday nights, Sunday mornings, public holiday etc. Check out how long they take to respond your call or email. And also you need to see if they are technically competent. And also if there’s problem you can also log down what problem is and how many times that needed to fix the problem.

Sure you need a solid technical support to back up your website and to back up your business and you would not want to buy web Host provider Company that run by people who only know how to sell and not fix problems.

Senin, 20 Oktober 2008

Fill and launch your website

After you decide what your website do and chose your website name and find reliable hosting provider and all preparation was done. And now you ready to Fill and launch your website. You need software to create and build a website.

I usually use Microsoft FrontPage or others software out there. These software packages you can find for free at internet just go to google.com by searching with keyword “ free website builder” , “ free website creator “ “free website software “or you can try other key words that related with website and software.

You can go also and find free software that related with website build too at download.com with keyword the same as above.

Based on my experienced actually there’s a lot hosting company that offer website builder software include in their service. It just make easy for you to make a basic website and fast. if I am not mistake we call “fastastico” and seem it is almost there on every web host provider as a part of their service.

To test the water try to make one pages as start and once you feel comfortable you can upload and launch your content that you prepared before.

Rabu, 15 Oktober 2008

Expressing your personal opinion thru blog

Before you create the blog, you need to figure out what topic the blog will focus on. So what you include in a blog? Practically anything that comes in your head and mind.Blogs are an excellent way of expressing your personal opinion.There’s no almost topic barrier, it could be from discussion about news, sport, hobby,carrier,experience and others many think.

Think about your skills or hobbies that you're really good. You might not be a mechanic, but if you're really good at working on motorcycle modification on the weekend and you like to do it, that would make a great blog post. If you can think it, you can type it and you can publish it.

You don’t have to worry to build a blog even you are a dummy computer like me. Blogging does not any programming skill and complicated code.It is free to express your opinion, for fun, business purpose etc or to make a comment even a complain and make a discussion among bloggers.Perhaps we can create friend or network and stay connected with big wide world cyberspace out there.

For me blogging much like website and give me world wide reach. And it does not require much cost. With almost no barrier to entry, blog grow everyday and presently according to technorati it is almost a hundred million blogs on the internet today and still growing day by day.

Jumat, 10 Oktober 2008

Decide what our website will do

People want to establish website with various purpose. It could be for fun, business, self expression, make money online and many think.
But if you willing to make money with your website and plan to build one I provide a simple question for you before you decide to getting started. There are some questions that you must ask to your self before you start to run your own website.

Here some example question that may useful before you decide to getting started:

Will your website sell a product that you produce or service that you render?
Will your website sell a product or service for others company in which you will get a commission for?
Will your website be an informative content that make money thru advertisement that being displayed on your website?
Or will your website combine all these money making ideas that integrated into one site, Means will your website sell a product or service that you or others company produces and combine with advertisement that displayed on your website ?

You see the sample question as above and may you can add some question by your self.
I hope it will help you to prevent bias objective for your website purpose and good luck.

Minggu, 05 Oktober 2008

Make money online with Content based website

Beside affiliate program, online investment, online trading etc .One of way to make money online is simply by building a content based website that provides information to your visitors. With this way your website becomes a resource to internet users that looking for information that you provided.

As we know Content is extremely important if you wish to have Google adsense, and the other large search engines such as yahoo,altavista,google etc will index your site properly. The more pages you have on your site the more pages you will have indexed in the search engines. While if there’s ads that being displayed on your website this means, more content = more traffic to your site = more clicks = more money.

As long as you have a unique content and useful information for your visitor you have a chance to make money online with Content based website. Sure writing your own content takes a lot of time. If you happen to be a good writer, or even a poor writer you might decide that you'd rather write your own articles. Since you write your own content will be entirely unique. If you take content from a free content site, who knows how many websites have those same articles on them. What I am trying to say is that if you write your own articles, you have a better chance of getting hits from search engines and no need to worry about search engine penalty due to duplicate content.

And sure it is need takes time to learn how to be a good writer. You can learn by doing or alternate way is you can hire ghostwriter to create good niche article for you. Your goal should be get people visit to your website to read and come back to your website to read again another your post or article that you publish.

I will discuss about ghostwriter at another post