Minggu, 05 Oktober 2008

Make money online with Content based website

Beside affiliate program, online investment, online trading etc .One of way to make money online is simply by building a content based website that provides information to your visitors. With this way your website becomes a resource to internet users that looking for information that you provided.

As we know Content is extremely important if you wish to have Google adsense, and the other large search engines such as yahoo,altavista,google etc will index your site properly. The more pages you have on your site the more pages you will have indexed in the search engines. While if there’s ads that being displayed on your website this means, more content = more traffic to your site = more clicks = more money.

As long as you have a unique content and useful information for your visitor you have a chance to make money online with Content based website. Sure writing your own content takes a lot of time. If you happen to be a good writer, or even a poor writer you might decide that you'd rather write your own articles. Since you write your own content will be entirely unique. If you take content from a free content site, who knows how many websites have those same articles on them. What I am trying to say is that if you write your own articles, you have a better chance of getting hits from search engines and no need to worry about search engine penalty due to duplicate content.

And sure it is need takes time to learn how to be a good writer. You can learn by doing or alternate way is you can hire ghostwriter to create good niche article for you. Your goal should be get people visit to your website to read and come back to your website to read again another your post or article that you publish.

I will discuss about ghostwriter at another post

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