Jumat, 10 Oktober 2008

Decide what our website will do

People want to establish website with various purpose. It could be for fun, business, self expression, make money online and many think.
But if you willing to make money with your website and plan to build one I provide a simple question for you before you decide to getting started. There are some questions that you must ask to your self before you start to run your own website.

Here some example question that may useful before you decide to getting started:

Will your website sell a product that you produce or service that you render?
Will your website sell a product or service for others company in which you will get a commission for?
Will your website be an informative content that make money thru advertisement that being displayed on your website?
Or will your website combine all these money making ideas that integrated into one site, Means will your website sell a product or service that you or others company produces and combine with advertisement that displayed on your website ?

You see the sample question as above and may you can add some question by your self.
I hope it will help you to prevent bias objective for your website purpose and good luck.

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